
The Unattended Shopping Cart

The Unattended Shopping Cart

by Juan Sepulveda Yesterday, I visited a popular retailer to pick up a few items. After paying for my selections, I realized that I had a rather long drive home...

The Unattended Shopping Cart

by Juan Sepulveda Yesterday, I visited a popular retailer to pick up a few items. After paying for my selections, I realized that I had a rather long drive home...

The Courage to be Courteous

The Courage to be Courteous

The Courage to be Courteous by Juan Sepúlveda When I was a young boy, I remember how my father seemed to be very effective at communicating with people, even when...

The Courage to be Courteous

The Courage to be Courteous by Juan Sepúlveda When I was a young boy, I remember how my father seemed to be very effective at communicating with people, even when...