Asking complete strangers: Are You Happy?
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What would your answer be if a complete stranger approached you in public and asked you “Are you happy?”
On this episode of The Gentlemen’s Brotherhood, we uncover what the typical answers are when complete strangers are asked this very question. In this episode, I’m joined by Atdhe, a talented filmmaker who is creating a documentary where his team of volunteers scour the streets of the world to answer this simple, yet profound question “Are you happy?”.
Quick Access | Mentioned in this episode:
00:00 Introduction
00:16 Welcome Message
01:57 People's response to the project
07:59 The Exponential Nature of Knowledge
17:50 Sponsor's Message
19:00 TikTok Trend
30:15 Surprising moments
39:50 Where's the footage?
40:40 Credits
Equipment used:
Did you like the quality of our video, here are some of the tools and services we use and recommend*.
Camera: Canon EOS M50 https://amzn.to/3tkazRD
Lense: Canon EF-M 22mm https://amzn.to/3yNCbA3
Microphone Main: ATR2100 https://amzn.to/3zNbmxb
Microphone (directional): Audio Technica AT875R https://amzn.to/3DOEuq4
Audio Interface: Behringer U-phoria UMC404HD https://amzn.to/3DPQSq0
Key Lights: Neewer NL660 https://amzn.to/3jSpdwJ
Back Light: Neewer LED https://amzn.to/3BEIFmq
*Affiliate links disclosure: Links to products or services included in this post may be affiliate links which may result in us receiving a small commission from your purchase. This will not affect the price you pay for said products/services. Know that this negligible compensation will never sway our opinion or integrity.
Connect with Atdhe and the Are You Happy? Project:
Web- https://www.happypeople.me/
Instagram- http://www.instagram.com/areyouhappyofficial
TikTok- http://www.tiktok.com/@areyouhapppy
YouTube- http://www.youtube.com/areyouhappy
Today's Episode Sponsor:
Brothers & Bonds
On Instagram: @BrothersAndBonds
Save 10% on your first order by using Promo Code: GENTSBRO
Connect with The Gentlemen's Brotherhood here:
Web- https://TheGentlemensBrotherhood.com/
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/thegentsbro/
LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/onesgallery/
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Thank you!
Executive Producer:
Toby Purisima
Jennifer S.
Angel Rodriguez
Supporters (Baron & Viscount Level)
Andrew Rizzitello
Angel Rodriguez
Guillaume Durand
Jaime Molinar
Jennifer S.
John Beninate
Kelvin Justice
Kris Kirby
Marty Dagoberto Driggs
Matt Smith
Pat Watson
Scott Sherman
Toby Purisima
Tommy Abrahamsen
Special thanks to our team:
Alberto Mella
Bill Strutner
Joe McMillen
Khristopher Rodriguez
Rusty Valle
Tamesh Bahadur
Taylor Nauta