
Wes Latchfordmasonic podcast support

Why do we need your support?

Creating this content takes a lot of time, but it also has recurring costs, which continue to increase as we reach more people. Among these costs we have web hosting costs, storage and bandwidth fees, audio and video editing software, recording equipment, lighting, etc. Your support is crucial in helping us continue to produce edifying content that can make a difference in another Man’s life.

Here's how you can support our work.

Thank you for your support!

The content we provide through our Podcast and YouTube channel is FREE but it takes real money to produce, maintain, and distribute. We are passionate about providing high-quality Education and Inspiration, which is why we have been doing this since 2012 and show no signs of stopping. The podcast episodes and videos created for The Gentlemen's Brotherhood are made possible in great part by the generosity of an amazing group of people who said: “Count on me!”

If you want to be a part of those amazing people who help us continue to make quality content and help us with their feedback and direction, please consider joining our Patreon Campaign.

Gratitude Wall

We want to publicly recognize these amazing contributors and supporters of The Gentlemen's Brotherhood. Their support helps us spread the message and materialize our vision of this organization. Thank you!

Executive Producer Producers
 Toby Purisima Jennifer S.
Angel Rodríguez
Supporters (Baron & Viscount Level)
Andrew Rizzitello Matt Smith
Angel D. Rodríguez Marty Dagoberto Driggs
Guillaume Durand Pat Watson
Jaime A. Molinar Rusty Valle
John Beninate Scott Sherman
Kelvin Justice  Toby Purisima
Kris Kirby Tommy Abrahamsen
Wes Latchford