Do Gentlemen Curse?
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Do gentlemen curse? Is it ok for a gentleman to use curse words? Under what circumstances is it ok for someone to use profanities? Are there any words that we should avoid at all costs?
In this episode of The Gentlemen's Brotherhood, we discuss the perils gentlemen face when not choosing their words carefully and what science says about cursing.
Equipment used:
Did you like the quality of our video, here are some of the tools and services we use and recommend*.
Camera1: Canon EOS M50 https://amzn.to/3wUgrna
Camera2: https://amzn.to/3zf5PSi
Lenses: Canon EF-M 22mm https://amzn.to/3a88P8T
Microphone Main: Audio Technica ATR2100 https://amzn.to/3t41mxW
Microphone (directional): Audio Technica AT875R https://amzn.to/38zNjcE
Audio Interface: Behringer U-phoria UMC404HD https://amzn.to/3a25lod
Key Lights: Neewer NL660 https://amzn.to/3t4CtlX
Back Light: Neewer GL1 https://amzn.to/38vD20X
*Affiliate links disclosure: Links to products or services included in this post may be affiliate links which may result in us receiving a small commission from your purchase. This will not affect the price you pay for said products/services. Know that this negligible compensation will never sway our opinion or integrity.
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Angel Rodriguez
Thanks to our team:
Alberto Mella
Khristopher Rodriguez
Tamesh Bahadour
Supporters (Baron & Viscount Level)
Andrew Rizzitello
Angel Rodriguez
Guillaume Durand
Jaime Molinar
Kris Kirby
Marty Dagoberto Driggs
Pat Watson
Rick Kellinger
Rusty Valle
Tommy Abrahamsen
Tyler Hall
Wes Latchford